The Foray is Coming!

We're looking forward to next month's WV Mushroom Foray in Canaan Valley! If you haven't registered yet, you can still take advantage of the Early Bird discount until June 30.
Also, we're still looking for volunteers to help with various tasks at the foray. If you can help out with walks, food service, clean up or just general go-fer-ing, send an email to Martha Hopper and let her know. Not only will you receive praise and adoration from the Foray organizers, you can also get a discount on your foray registration!
Lastly, remember the silent auction! Please donate your interesting and/or valuable mushroom-related items that can be sold to raise money to help pay for the foray. Remember, this is our ONLY fundraiser and every dollar raised helps defray the expense of bringing the wonderful presenters and experts to West Virginia. Bring your items with you to registration.