Gary Lincoff - An American Treasure and Our Friend

We were so saddened to learn last week of the passing of our friend, Gary Lincoff. Gary was instrumental in reviving the West Virginia Mushroom club, and was its constant cheerleader and supporter through the years. Working with Shelly Conrad, Nelle Chilton, Nancy Ward and Martha Hopper, he personally assisted with our annual forays for many years and was always eager to lead walks and make presentations.

Much has and will be written of Gary and his astounding knowledge about mushrooms and mycology. Here are a couple of links to articles by two people who knew and loved him: Britt Bunyard and Tom Volk
As a tribute to our great friend, we have added Gary's name to this year's WV Mushroom Foray alongside Shelly Conrad, with whom he worked closely to resurrect our club and its signature event, the annual foray.