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Foray attendance and club membership are voluntary and people who don't feel comfortable with our position on the following should refrain from joining the club and/or participating in club activities or forays.

  • No matter what happens to you, your family, your guests, or your property at or on the way to or from meetings, walks or forays, it is not the fault of the club, its officers, members or identifiers, even if alcoholic beverages were made available to you before, during or after the event. It is your responsibility to control your consumption of alcohol.

  • You fully assume the risks associated with attending, participating in, traveling to and from foray locations, and hiking trails that may contain dangerous terrain, people, animals, or vegetation.

  • Consumption of Fungi

    • It is YOUR responsibility to determine whether a mushroom or other fungus is safe to consume before you consume it. You assume the risk of illness, injury, accident or death when you consume any items prepared or made available to you at a club meeting or one of our forays. It is possible that there may be items at a foray or meeting that contain one or more mushrooms or other fungi that were misidentified by the person or chef who prepared them and you assume that risk when you consume those items. You might have a reaction or allergy to consumable items, including mushrooms that are generally considered to be safe or edible. There is also the possibility that you can get sick or die after eating a mushroom, even if you have safely eaten the exact same genus, species and variety before.

    • No matter what the cause, if you get ill, injured, have an accident or die after consuming items prepared or made available to you at a mushroom meeting or foray, it's not the fault of the person who prepared the items, the attendees at the foray, the club, or any of the club's officers, members or identifiers, it is your fault for consuming it without first assuring that you can safely do so. Also, be aware that a mushroom you see on display at a foray may not be the same mushroom named on the identification tag beside it. We have seen instances where foray attendees pick up and study a mushroom and then inadvertently place it on the wrong plate on the table when they return it. So a mushroom labeled as an edible mushroom may not necessarily be the same mushroom that the mycologist initially identified and placed on that plate. Also, some specimens may not have been identified by foray mycologists, but by enthusiastic, but mistaken, amateurs trying to help out. Finally, please use sensible precautions before eating any mushroom, even if you feel certain about its identity: eat only a small amount and save a specimen for analysis by personnel in the emergency room, hospital laboratory or coroner's office.


I have read the warnings in the disclaimer, I understand the risks, and I decided to join the club and/or attend a foray anyway. I agree to release, hold harmless, and indemnify the club, its officers and its members and identifiers for any responsibility for illness, injuries, accidents or death sustained by myself, my guests, my family and/or my property while traveling to and from or while attending meetings, walks or forays.




















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